May 21, 2019
We combine a 6 kW photovoltaic system with a heat pump and we get free heating and power forever! Net Metering enables the consumer to generate the electricity needed by his home, helping him to get rid of electricity costs (the price of kWh has an increasing trend).
The bureaucracy of Greek data may have made the energy audit of buildings the last wheel of the car, but the understanding of its importance can bring significant benefits at national, economic and social levels.
Our company takes over from planning, licensing to the implementation of all-in-one renovation of your space.
Visual inspection
Visit to the park and visual inspection of the park status and monitoring with the camera the stability and operation of the PV modules / frequency per 1 month)
According to data, more than 75% of existing biological cleaning systems operate in accordance with the old technology plan. The E / M equipment is in a state of malfunction or operates at power limits, and concrete tanks are in poor condition due to corrosion.